Bubbly Summer Merlot

What better invitation for a summer cocktail than this month’s green tea? Grapes, apples and marigold flowers + crisp green tea = your latest excuse to do nothing. Here’s how it’s done.
1. Cold brew your tea! We hope by now you’re familiar with this wonderful process, but in case not: place 2 tbs loose-leaf tea in a 1-litre jar, fill with cold water, cover with a lid, shake and place in the fridge for a few hours, or until you remember you put it there. Setting a timer is work and the antithesis to cold-brewing.
2a. Non-alcoholic option: simply strain the leaves out of your tea and mix 1 tbs simple syrup, ½ cup cold-brewed tea and 1 cup soda water. Add a slice of lime, pour over ice and enjoy!
2b. Alcoholic option: Strain the leaves out of your tea. Mix 12 oz cold-brewed tea with ¼-½ cup Prosecco (or bubbly of your choice) to taste, 1 oz gin and 1 tbs simple syrup. Add a slice of lime, pour over ice and enjoy!