Our Second Tea Party

01 Our Tea Selection: Adagio, Bissel, Glenburn Tea, Kusmi Tea, and Tiesta Tea.

02 Jordan selects our soundtrack as Zeta sets up the first rounds of tea.

03 Jenny enjoys the beautiful fragrance from Bissel’s Pomegranate Crisp.

04 Zeta prepares Adagio’s Fujian Rain for our enjoyment.

05 Admiring the naturally cloudy pour of Glenburn’s Second Flush Summer Tea.

06 Admiring the pour is one thing, the joy from tasting it is another.

07 Fascinated by Glenburn’s Second Flush Assam Tea, Jordan takes a closer look.

08 Harvey Keitel in the Zombie Apocalypse.

09 Zeta measures out the hot water to give us the perfect pour.

10 Baked Brie covered in a fig walnut reduction to complete the day.